Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Protest in Toronto Canada against Indian occupied force's crimes

Press release

Anti war  organizations and  Friends of Kashmir Canada Protest in Toronto Canada against Indian  occupied force's  crimes  .  Aliya Khawaja In her speech  said that I would like to draw your Attention to the grave humanitarian crisis in the Internationally Disputed Areas of the Indian occupied Kashmir (IDAJK). The Kashmir question remains as one of the oldest, unresolved, international problems in the world.
In the Indian occupied Kashmir human rights violations by Indian occupation forces is a routine matter. Today not a single household is left that had not lost, a woman, a child or a man, to this blood thirst of occupation force
23 resolutions have been passed by UN on Kashmir dispute, Indian rulers promised before the UN to resolve the dispute and provide the people of Kashmir with their basic right of self-determination, but later backed away from their commitments. India has rejected every appeal every suggestion nothing moved them into action. This is denial of basic human rights and the question of life and death of 12 million people. The problem should be resolved before it led to an explosion.
India has been putting peace, security and stability of the entire South Asia at stake by demonstrating continued rigidity and stubbornness and not responding positively to the efforts made by the international community to settle the Kashmir dispute during the last more than six decades.
 The troops have been setting new records of human rights violations by killing innocent people, arresting youth, disgracing and harassing women and setting residential houses afire with impunity.

The troops have killed over ninety-three thousand Kashmiris, widowed more than twenty five thousand women, orphaned more than one hundred thousand children and molested or gang-raped around ten thousand Kashmiri women during the past 20 years. Children being the victims of Indian forces and torture them by taking them away from their home land. The whereabouts of thousands of innocent Kashmiris, disappeared in the custody of troops, are yet to be made known while hundreds of unnamed graves have been discovered in the occupied territory, which are believed to could be of disappeared Kashmiris. This whole mayhem is being carried out with the protection of draconian laws, by virtue of which any person can be killed or put behind the bars without any accountability. Just imagine during a peaceful rally in 1948 in Jammu 200,000 people were massacred.
The Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Asia Watch and other international humanitarian organizations in their regular reports over the unabated rights abuses in the occupied territory have been raising their concern. These include extra judicial killings, disappearances, arrests and desecration of women.
Our message to peace loving peoples like you to take cognizance of the miseries of Kashmiri people, help stop human rights violations in the occupied territory and play its role in bringing about a solution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with Kashmiris' aspirations. It is also aimed at calling upon India to read writing on the wall, accept the ground realities and come forward with a realistic approach to settle the dispute for the larger interest of the people of the region. Please help Kashmiri for their right of self determination so that Kashmiri can live with peace & dignity. Kashmiri need your support.
Seven hundred thousand Indian forces want to silence kashmiries  by guns and weapons but I want to say that they cannot silence Kashmiries!
Kashmir wants peace not only in Kashmir but  entire world.
The following measures need to be taken:

1. To implement the United Nations Security Council resolutions on the right to self-determination;
2. To uphold the European Parliaments resolution on mass graves in Kashmir;
3. To withdraw the occupational forces from the Indian occupied kashmir;
4. To put an end to the consistent gross human rights violations through practices such as arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and summary or arbitrary execution, etc.;
5. To respect international human rights norms and treating which India is a signatory including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;
6. To undertake an independent and impartial investigation in all killings including of the ones noted above, custodial deaths, disappearances, fake encounters, rapes, etc. under international law and international auspices;
7. To allow access to major human rights organizations and international media in Indian occupied Kashmir;

At the end I want to say that quote

How can one not speak about war, poverty, and inequality when people who suffer from these afflictions don't have a voice to speak?
Friends Of Kashmir Canada

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